by Bastien Lecouffe- deharme, By carne griffiths and wadim kashin, scifi artwork by roblunda mccallum, in the style of blink- and- you- miss- it detail, full body, dark white and light orange, sci- fi realism, pulp comics, airbrush art, A stunningly realistic (((Alcohol Ink double exposure illustration))), where the main image is a ( spicy sci- fi portrait, beautiful cyber pin up ) with intricate details and a (long exposure backdrop) that meld together in a (softly blended double exposure effect). The interplay of colors and (iridescent, patterns) creates a surreal optical illusion, with a (fantastical black haired female figure) whose dress and (extremely long, flowing hair) blends seamlessly with the (ethereal surroundings). The overall atmosphere exudes an air of (fantasy and enchantment) that makes the piece a (masterful artistry) Awe inspiring, surreal structured mix media art, art by Luzia Caldari, Carne Griffiths and Vanessa Barragao. Coherent background, Close- up, stitching in bright colors, 3D- effect artwork, 3d vector painting, sharp focus, beautiful, highly detailed, concept art, stunning, molecular, textures, breathtaking beauty, pure perfection, divine presence, unforgettable, impressive, breathtaking beauty, Volumetric light, rays, vivid colors reflects, centered, symmetry, painted, intricate, volumetric lighting, beautiful, rich deep colors masterpiece, sharp focus, ultra detailed, in the style of dan mumford and marc simonetti, stunning visuals, intricate, stunning visuals

    FLUX.1 [schnell]
    Seed 1982459787815323
    Steps 4


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